Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let Me Say Here For A Moment Chris.........

"There's a party in my head
And no one is invited."
- Solitude Is Bliss by Tame Impala

First off, some things you will never find here:

1. Celine Dion - The single most overrated performer in the history of performers! My cat howls at night sometimes and it brings to mind Celine's "singing." Also, she is a publicity-seeking-grade 'A' whackjob.

2. Bryan Adams - Another Canadian that most of the world loves and makes me ashamed to think that his drivel is what represents Canada in the world's ears. A little advice B - stick to the photography and never write another song and I'll forgive you for Summer Of Fucking '69.

3. Praise for the Toronto Maple Leafs - The only time I will ever mention them is when I feel like spewing vitriol over something Blowhard Burke says or does, or to laugh at their idiot fans for buying up any object emblazoned with their stupid, grammatically incorrect logo. 43 years and counting losers!

4. Phil Collins - If you must like people like Phil Collins, I'm OK with Genesis pre- 1980. Otherwise, his axe-murdering of Motown songs or general bad taste in wardrobe will send me into a profanity-laced tirade. Good drummer though.....

There are more items to be added to this list, but those will do for today.

Now, as for the quote at the top of this post, it comes from a great new Aussie 3-piece called Tame Impala. What first attracted me to them was their name as I drive a very blue, very tame Impala. Their debut album Innerspeaker is already out in Australia and comes out June 8th over on this side of the orb. I have been listening to it for about 2 weeks now (got an advance copy from a, errr, friend) and it is the dogs bollocks as the Brits would say. All swirly and psychedelic and 60s and 70s and whew! Pass the joint and put on some patchouli! Like the Beatles and the Stone Roses got together and ate some brownies and had to go to a nunnery for 9 months and out popped this band! I like every single track and I highly(harr harr) recommend that you get out and grab this one kids! I won't be including a "Best OF" for these dudes as it is their debut album, but it is my Record Of The Week for sure.